Being the son of an African-American slave he never had much to say about his life choices. However, that didn’t stop him from changing his destiny. As a teenager, he joined a textile mill as an apprentice. With his meager stipend, he hired private tutors for himself. By the age of thirty, he was running his own textile business. However, his groundbreaking innovation Self Contain Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) made him one of the most notable figures of human history.
Groundbreaking Innovation - Self-Contain Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
Due to a lack of fire safety knowledge, fire-related casualties among textile mills were extremely common in the nineteenth and even early twentieth centuries. Without any safety devices, the fire brigade had a minimum practical contribution to rescue work. Therefore, in most of the fire incidents, the survival chances of the trapped victims were almost negligible. One day, that young gentleman noticed in the newspaper that 146 textile mill workers died in a horrific fire accident. He understood the fire brigade could do nothing to save those victims due to proper gadgets and training.

That incident was so perplexing for him that he started simulating fire accidents in a cramped room under a controlled environment. After numerous such experimental encounters with fire, he concluded that it takes nearly fifteen minutes for deadly smoke to engulf the air close to the floor. Based on this finding he designed the first Self Contain Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) with the help of his brother Frank. After invention both brothers started numerous experimentations with their new invention.
Self-contained breathing Apparatuses (SCBAs) provide breathable air to the wearer via a facemask connected to a compressed air tank, oxygen-generating chemical, or compressed oxygen source. Exhaled air is released into the atmosphere through an exhalation valve. SCBAs are essential in environments with hazardous substances or low oxygen levels. Positive-pressure SCBAs are particularly suited for situations immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH). It ensures constant airflow to prevent contaminants from entering. They are commonly used during fires, gas leaks, and other emergency scenarios.
With the invention of this new safety device, he started giving dangerous demonstrations at various fire departments. He and his brother would get into dangerous yet controlled and cramped fire situations wearing this Smoke Hood. However, despite their best efforts initially firemen were quite skeptical about the effectiveness of that new invention.
Meanwhile, a few days later, a devastating fire broke out beneath fifty feet from ground level inside the Lake Erie Tunnel at Cleveland. The ill-equipped fire department of Cleveland asked for his intervention and he arrived there with his brother and his Smoke Hood. Together both of them saved four precious lives from the tunnel. It was the beginning of a new era that changed the fire rescue operation forever. The name of that legendary inventor was Garrett Augustus Morgan. His ground-breaking discovery saved many soldiers’ lives from deadly gases during World War – I.
Innovation of The Three-Position Traffic Signal

His other groundbreaking invention was the Three Position Traffic Signal. Here we have to note one fact and that is, that he was not the first person who invented the traffic signal. Rather he was the person who formally gave it the modern shape. Back then during the early 1920’s, one day when he was going to the office he witnessed a tragic road accident at a corner of the road. That brilliant mind took a little time to figure out the real cause of that tragic accident.
In those days, Traffic signals used to be manual with two signals only, and those two signals were Red (Stop) and Go (Green). All the cars and animal carts had very little time to react after the change of signals. Garrett realized there had to be a third signal in between these two, to prepare both pedestrians and cars-cats. So he designed a Yellow ‘Warning’ signal to allow them to prepare. On November 20, 1923, he patented his invention from the U.S. Patent Office. However, later he sold his right to GE for $40,000.
Brief Biography: Garrett Augustus Morgan (1877–1963)
Garrett Augustus Morgan was born on March 4, 1877, in Claysville, Kentucky. His both parents were slaves. He was an extraordinary inventor and entrepreneur. With minimal formal education, Morgan’s curiosity and determination to innovate were his driving forces. Starting as a sewing machine mechanic, he eventually established his own sewing machine and textile business in Cleveland, Ohio. As an entrepreneur, he witnessed many fire cases in these textile factories and the helpless fire department had almost no resources to rescue those who were trapped in the fire.
Morgan’s most notable contribution was the invention of the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), originally known as the Safety Hood. Developed in the early 20th century, it was designed to protect firefighters and rescuers from toxic smoke and fumes. After witnessing many tragic fire incidents such as the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, Morgan spent years refining his design. His device became instrumental in saving lives during fire rescues and other hazardous situations. It became widely popular after the Lake Erie Tunnel fire tunnel rescue.
Morgan also made significant contributions to traffic safety with his invention of the three-position traffic signal. It was another invention that made him one of the notable figures of modern history. He witnessed a tragic road accident in the early 1920s and invented the modern Three Positions Traffic Signal system. His innovative spirit and humanitarian efforts earned him many rewards and recognition. Including the recognition of his SCBA’s impact during World War I. Who can imagine the modern world without these inventions that have made our lives more easier and beautiful? Despite racial discrimination, Garrett Morgan’s relentless drive left a lasting legacy in the field of innovation.
How the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus & Three Position Traffic Signal Changed the World
Garrett Morgan’s invention of the SCBA revolutionized rescue operations. Before its introduction, firefighters and rescuers had limited tools to navigate toxic environments, leading to high casualty rates during similar disasters. The SCBA provided a life-saving solution by allowing users to breathe safely in smoke-filled or oxygen-deprived spaces. Its design enabled first responders to perform rescues in conditions that were previously not possible. This invention drastically reduced fatalities in fire incidents, industrial accidents, and hazardous environments. The SCBA’s impact extended beyond firefighting. During World War I, it saved countless soldiers exposed to poisonous gases on the battlefield. Over time, the SCBA evolved with advancements in materials and technology. It has become, an essential tool for firefighters, miners, and hazardous material handlers worldwide.
The invention of Garrett Morgan’s three-position traffic signal revolutionized road safety and urban infrastructure. Before its introduction, chaotic traffic intersections posed significant risks to drivers and pedestrians alike. The regular chaos leads to frequent accidents and fatalities. By introducing a third position – the “Warning” signal – Morgan’s system allowed vehicles and pedestrians adequate time to prepare. This innovation not only enhanced road safety but also laid the groundwork for modern traffic management systems. His system was adopted globally and paved the road for modern traffic regulation. His other invention is also saving countless lives daily.
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